Veterinary Reiki

veterinary Reiki

Ease the veterinary visit or hospital stay with Reiki

 Relaxation and healing  For  Your Animal

Wether it`s an emergency case, an injury or a long planned surgeriy, Reiki in the veterinary setting can reduce anxiety during routine exams, anxiety and pain during procedures and surgery, and chronic pain in animal companions, as well as improve the overall well-being of patients and animal owner.

Improving self healing after surgeries

This one of the most important services I offer to my clients. We all know how exhausting it is to visit the vet. For the animal. But also for the animal guardian.

Wether your animal has a regulary check up or a surgery: With Reiki it will easier. One of the benefits of Reiki is relaxation, supporting the animal’s feeling of well-being and can release anxiety. (And let`s face it: there`s a lot of anxiety, right? For you both.)

This can help to calm stressed animals and bring them back into balance.

And this can support the healing after a surgeries so much.

Animal reiki for surgery

What does the Reiki Practicioner do?

  • Pre-surgery, a Reiki Practitioner shares Reiki with the patient when s/he arrives at the hospital, balancing his/her energy, and reducing anxiety. The Reiki Practitioner may also sit with the family, offering them peace and calming and to reduce their anxiety. Reiki can also be offered from the distance.Distance

  • During surgery, a Reiki Practitioner is in the operating room during the surgery, sharing Reiki throughout the surgery. Reiki has an effect on the patient, as well as the veterinary staff, ensuring the surgery goes smoothly. 

  • Post-surgery, a Reiki Practitioner shares Reiki with the patient during post-op and often throughout the patient's recovery process. Immediately post-surgery, Reiki is offered while the patient is in recovery and may continue until they are settled into their room. Additionally, Reiki may be offered at various intervals during the recovery process either in person or via distance - daily, weekly, or as needed to aid in a quicker recovery process.

reiki during the surgery can

  • Reduce bleeding during surgery
  • Reduce pain medication and anesthesia
  • Speed recovery times
  • Reduce surgery times


after the surgery 

  • Reiki supports the body’s own ability to heal
  • Reiki is non-invasive and stress free
  • Reiki heals on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels, treating the whole being.

Read more about medical Reiki : 

Benefits of Veterinary Reiki

  • Calm and relaxation for your animal ( and you) 
  • Relieving anxiety.
  • Creating a stronger sense of well-being.
  • Relieving pain.
  • Strengthening the immune system.
  • Supporting healing.
  • Helping with behavioral issues by promoting relaxation and stress reduction.
  • Promoting overall health and wellness.

How do you get started?

01  Anamnesis

Book a Session & Anamnesis

  • Contact me to book a session and discuss the number Reiki sessions required based on your Veterinarian visit. I will have a short anamnesis to get best out for your animal.
  • I can meet your pet virtually we can do that too at the beginning of our scheduled session. I will update you on how the session went afterward via email, text, or a call depending on your preference

02 Your Animal`s Data

  • A photo of your animal
  • Your animal's name and Birthday if you have
  •  Reason for seeking an Animal Reiki session  (Veterinary Appointment)
  •  Any further information ((i.e. your pet’s physical condition, any behavioral issues, or significant incidents that might have created some emotional trauma).

03  Your Session

 1st Session!

Agree the dates for your pet’s sessions, pre and during the Veterinary Visit. Follow up with you after the visit/hosptial stay.

  • You’re also welcome to share any videos of your animal’s current condition as well.
  •  Your preferred method of communication: email, text (Whatsapp), or call.



Hands-On Session

60 Minutes Hands-On Session with your animal
Where: At the stable, barn, pasture or at your home

One Session:  $80
Four Sessions:  $320
Travel Fees: 0,80/kmh

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Distance Session

45 Minute Distance Session
Where: Phone or Zoom Check-in

One Session:  $70
Four Sessions:  $280

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More About Veterinary Reiki


Got Questions?

Take a look at these answers before you book your Animal Reiki Healing session.

  • How many sessions are needed for a Vet Appointment?

    The package is completely bespoke, the number of sessions are based on your needs and the length of your vet. appointment of the hospital stay. 

    I would recommend one Distance Reiki session a couple of days prior to your Vet. Appointment and maybe one during the appointment or surgery to help relax your Animal before your departure and during the treatment. 

    Then one for the first night of the hospital stay  to help calm and relax your pet on their first night away from you. Depending on the length of stay and your pet’s disposition, one or two sessions a day. 

    So, a 3 night stay would be 2 Reiki sessions a day, e.g. Or if your Animal is doing fine it can be one Session a day. Or one session for the entire 3 nights. You choose it!

  • Can you really do this from a distance

     Yes! It´s possible and helpful. I connect to your animal via Reiki Energy, as we are all energy. Which is how Reiki flows, to help unblock any energy blockages in your animal or yourself, if you have a Reiki Session. I go into detail on how Distance Reiki works on either my Distance Animal Reiki page or the Frequently Asked Questions page. If you want to ask more questions, drop me a line via my contact page.

    While I am traveling from time to time, I`ve tried this oppurtunity too, to keep my animals save and sound. 

  • Can you do this as a Hands-on-Treament?

    If you´re in the area and you want me to come with you to the Veterinarian, YES, I can do this. 

    Since I have a huge network and I know many Vets and Vet Hospitals, I`d be happy to accompany you and your animal. 

  • What animals are the Vet-Reiki-Sessions suitable for?

    Any animal who you feel would benefit from a relaxing distance Reiki session before and during your  vetartianrian visit. Also afterwards.  Of course it`s the same with Hands on Healing Sessions.  

    Animals are sensitive and emotional beings, they love you, you are their family and they rely on you for nearly everything in their lives. Some of them feel the effects of you being away in the form of being depressed, reluctance to eat and so on. 

    Reiki could help to reduce those effects by calming the animal. You can also help your pets by talking to them about your vet appointment, with calm, relaxing voice.

     They do understand more than you think.  But the most important thing is that you as an animal guardian, can stay relaxed and balanced, because your animal will feel everything that you feel.

  • Can I have a Reiki Session too?

    Of course. It`s a very good idea. As we know, animals are sensitive to energy, especially to the energy of their guardians.  If you are relaxed, as much as possible, you are a "protection shield" for your animal. 

    The stress before an appointment or a surgery can affect you either mentally or physically.  We all know how we feel and how much we suffer, if our animal darlings are sick or have to stay at the vet. hospital for a few days. A Veterinarian Reiki Session would help you feel relaxed and ready for the visit.

     If you feel to bad or if you feel to much anxiety I can also help you with psychotherapistic tools, Aromatherapy or Naturopathy. Get in touch to arrange a session. 

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