Crystal Reiki

Crystals & Reiki for Humans 

Happy healthy human - happy healthy animal

Reiki - for animal Moms & Vet professionals

As you care for your beloved animal friend

When living with an animal

Special situations can arise that make enormous demands on you as an owner.
In fact, for many people today, pets and animals, take the position of a family member or best friend, compagnion, soulmate. And we get stressed when they are.

Do you know that?

  • Caring for your beloved, seriously ill animal and its regular care severely limit your own well-being. You feel at the end of your rope. Can you do something for yourself?
  • You feel as if you are in a conflict between your role as a responsible and loving pet owner and your role as a partner.
  • Due to feelings of guilt towards your pet, you have not been socializing as intensively for a long time. You miss your friends. How can you resolve this?
  • Vet appointments are full stress for you and your animal?
  • You know you should be exercising more, but keep buckling. How can you change that?
  • Job, family animal caring and all the things going on in this world are overwhelming and you wondering yourself: "when was the last me-time-moment?"

Why Reiki for Animal Parents?

When our pets and animals are sick

It's all we can think about. It consumes us, often we have anxiety and grief that can't be released, and sadness, and the unknown, and fear and worry. I've been there so many times. It can be exhausting and hard to focus on anything else because your baby is not doing well.

You may feel like you’ve tried everything: vet visits, meds, behaviorists, hoping it goes away on its own, ignoring it, books, asking your animal to change, new diets, changing their environment (litter boxes, beds, water fountains), and asking your friends and the internet for advice... and all of this takes a toll on your energy, vitality, and resource.

I feel you 

And I`m here for you

I can’t say ‘I know what you’re going througH´

Because you’re on your own journey, and you’re the one feeling all of the feelings. But I can honor that everyone is different in what they need - some people will need feedback, talking, crying it out - and sometimes there is nothing anyone can ‘say’ that makes it better. But energy work and healing can help, even when we don’t know what it is we need to get through the hard time.

Once you choose a time for your session, you’ll share anything you feel I need to know about your journey with your animal or your own healing, and we’ll either hop on the phone (for a phone session) or you’ll relax at your session time to receive remotely (for an email session). Either way, your session is time to devote to yourself.

How Reiki can help


Reiki" (ray-key) is Japanese for ‘universal life energy’, a term used to describe a natural system to help bring about an improved sense of wellbeing and a positive feeling of spiritual renewal. This tradition was founded by Dr Mikao Usui in the early 20th century and evolved as a result of his research, experience and dedication. It is a tradition that is open to any belief system and benefits may include deep relaxation and the promotion of a calm peaceful sense of wellbeing. 

Taking care of yourself is also caring for your animal

 Although it is often hard to make time to care for yourself when you are worried about your animal companion, this is often one of the best things you can do for them. Reiki Healing Wellness Coaching is a gentle energy technique that can help foster relaxation and stress reduction so you can be more fully present for your animal during their time of need. Your animal will sense and benefit from your increased level of calmness and peace.

What to expect

With your agreement, we will touch your head and shoulders, arms, legs, and feet. All other areas will be hands-off with my hands hovering a few inches above you. Each hand position will be maintained for approx. 4 minutes, or longer if we feel you need it in a particular area. Your treatment itself will last around 50 minutes. You may experience some sensations during the treatment, heat or tingling is the most common. After the treatment, you will be provided with aftercare advice.

Initial Consultation

During your first treatment, we will work through and complete a Consultation Form for you to sign as well as signing a GDPR Form. Treatment records will be completed for each session and these will be stored securely for 7 years. You will need to bring a list of your current medications with you to your first appointment.  There are no current contraindications against using Reiki in any way but we will discuss and manage your expectations during your first appointment. 

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

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