Reiki for Animals

Animal Reiki Therapy

The power that can soothe

and heal all living beings.


Reiki: Soul-centred animal wellbeing

What your Animal can expect

Releasing blockages

Releasing blockages that avoid health and happiness.

 Physical and emotional Balance

For chronical and acute illness or emotional issues.



 Alternative Treatment

Alongside of Veterinary Treatment or just for prevention and wellness.



What is acutally is Reiki?

Reiki is a Japanese Healing System

That works with the bionergetic parts of the body, but also benefits the psyche with wellbeing. Similar to Craniosacrale Therapy, Acupuncture or TCM, Reiki  works with the energetic centres (Chakras) and energy laylines (Meridians) of the physical and etheric body. The word “Reiki” has two meanings. It comes from the Japanese words “rei,” meaning universal, and “ki,” meaning life energy. (like in TCM Qui Gong or Thai Chi)

Reiki is a type of Vibrational Medicine/ Energy Medicine.

According to practitioners, energy can stagnate in the body where there has been physical injury or even emotional pain. In time, these energy blocks can cause illness.

Energy medicine aims to help the flow of energy and remove blocks in a similar way to acupuncture or acupressure. Reiki practitioners believe that improving the flow of energy around the body can enable relaxation, relieve pain, speed healing, and reduce other symptoms of illness.

Mikao Usui developed Usui Reiki Ryoho, the most current form of Reiki, in 1922. However, people have practiced Reiki for about 2,500 years.

Read more about Reiki here

I am convinced

That every animal deserves to live a life full of safety, love, health and joy.

Animals are naturally encompassed with love and live in the moment of now. They are our greatest teachers. When we open our minds and hearts to their needs and lesssons, we have the ability to grow exponentially. With the gifts of their grace, we have the ability to offer healing &  love to them in return.

And since they are encompassed with love, they greatly respond to  Energy Medicine.

Would you like to gain a deeper..

  • Connection to how your animal is feeling?
  • Understanding of your animal's needs and personality?
  • Learn how to help your animal, in every situation

Then Animal Reiki could be a solution for you and your beloved animal frien

How Reiki can help your animals

Animal Reiki and Trauma

Sounds like thunderstorms, motorcycles, doorbells, the sounds of moving metal carts - these are all things that can upset your animal and many of his furry, feathered or scale friends.

So does overstraining by training or yelling at them.

Fear often arises from fear of the unknown.
Sometimes, however, it also arises from negative experiences that have been caused by fear for one's own life.

Animals feel like humans do.

They suffer from stress, anxiety and depression and it affects their emotinals health extremely.

Reiki is a wonderful tool calm body and mind of your

stressed, traumatized animal and it can ease behaviour problems.

Work with me

Animal Reiki and Physical Health

Just like us humans animals can have acute or chronic diseases and pain. This can be illnesses like

  • Athritis
  • Thyroid Imbalances
  • Gastro-Intestine Issues
  • Kidney Issues/Liver Issues
  • Tumors
  • Acccidents/Broken Bones
  • Heart Diseases
  • Skin,-Fur or Feather Diseases
  • Immune System Issues or just a Cold
  • Parasites, Bacterias, Viruses

Animal Reiki can support your animal in physical healing as ist strenghtens the Immune System, supports recovery and can be shared alongside Vet Treatments.

Reiki for lost Pets and Animals

I hope this never happenst to you....

But from time to time we somehow lose our pets. Once briefly not paying attention, a window, a corner, a field. During a walk, free flight, sometimes they even hide in the apartment (rabbits, mice or hamsters). They will be excited, just like you. It is especially important to do something good for them now.

 May they always be protected - wherever they are

 Distance Reiki can give them some peace and security. Furry and feathered or scaled babies are of course scared and when they’re even more scared in unfamiliar places, they travel even further without realizing they have got too far from home or the last place they were with you.

The longer they’re away from home, the more nerve-wracking it is for them, and their pet parents

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Veterinary Reiki

Ease the veterinary visit or hospital stay with Reiki

Wether it`s an emergency case, an injury, a long planned surgery or just a Vet Appointment for the check up, vaccination, etc..

Reiki in the veterinary setting can reduce anxiety during routine exams, anxiety and pain during procedures and surgery, and chronic pain in animal companions, as well as improve the overall well-being of patients and animal owner.

Reiki for Wildlife and Rescues

As an Animal Rights Acitivist it`s a matter of heart to share Reiki with rescues and wildlife.

Those animals are always stressed, traumatized, maybe injured or misstreatened.

It´s so important to treat them physically with vet treatments but even with relaxing treatments for body and soul.

Reiki does great work for healing after accidents, abandonend animals, animals who got lost or even wild animals who are endangered ( like the cute koalas in this picture) and suffer from stress and illness through the loss of their habitat.


Work with me

Reiki for exotic Animals

Some animals have different needs like others.

That`s why Reiki is so very helpful for the sensitive animals like birds, horses or exotic animals.

They often lack of optimal health because of their keeping conditons what leads to physical or emotional

health isssues.

I am very happy to offer my Reiki Services to

every species of birds, reptiles, rabbits and rodents, alpacas, horses.

And as Distance Reiki to animals like koalas, kangaroos, etc. who have to stay in Vet Hospitals, Sanctuaries or Wild Parks.


Benefits of Animal Reiki

How can Reiki benefit your Animal?

Stressreduction - Immune System Boost

Physical and Emotional Balancing

An Animal Reiki session assists your animal in going into a deeply relaxed space where self-healing begins.

➔It supports pre-or after-surgery treatments

➔Straightens the immune system

➔Is safe, gentle, non-invasive and can do no harm.

➔Animals welcome and recognize Reiki Healing

➔Compliments all healing modalities: Western, Eastern & Holistic

➔Holistic by Nature, Reiki works with Mind & Body

➔Animals receive Reiki treatment where they are comfortable

➔Reiki creates a deep relaxation response where natural healing happens

➔ It supports release of toxines in the animal`s body

➔Helps animals who are alive or in Spirit

     and so much more....


Work with me

Be enchantend by

The healing magic of Animal Reiki Therapy 

Let your animal or yourself be enchanted by the magical, calming power of Reiki and feel the calming effect this gentle technique has on your animal, yourself and your body, mind and soul.

Just 10 minutes of Reiki a day can reduce the level of the stress hormone cortisol and lower blood pressure in animals AND their humans too.

But Reiki has much more to offer you.

Sounds magical? 

Then maybe you want to give it a try?

Be worth it!


How does Reiki work?

Reiki works in 3 different ways:


Being mindful and in present is so important for our animals. If we share Reiki, we share our energy, toughts and moods with them. So be careful: what you think or feel affects your animals too. Meditation is a wonderful way to connect with our animals.

Mobile Hands-On Sessions

 For stress-free treatments, so that your animal can stay in its own environment.

I offer you my support in your stable, on the pasture or at home. 
For many animals a transport is already stressful enough. 

the distance healing

 Convenient without stress, transport or touch. Before the Veterinarian Visit, during Hosptial stays, after surgeries, as well as for any life-time happenings, behavioral issues or just for prevention.

More about Reiki Healing therapy


Got Questions?

Take a look at these answers before you book your Animal Reiki Healing session.

  • What does an Animal Reiki session look like?

    Sometimes your animal will stay in one place during a session. While they lay on the floor, in their bed, or stand in pasture, I will place my hands in specific positions on or above their body. She may even sit a few feet away from your animal if they do not allow her to touch them. Since this is not massage, there is no manipulation of the muscles or flesh.

  • How do I know if Reiki worked?

    Most people see a change in their animal, sometimes even after the first session. It all depends on what healing is needed; emotional, physical or even something we’re not aware of. For example, if it’s a session because the dog is feeling out of sorts and grumpy, you can notice the change the very next day. A more relaxed, happier dog. If it’s to help support the animal after an operation, then it might be more noticeable after 3 or 4 sessions. Each animal is an individual, so they all react to Reiki differently, just like you might recover from an illnesses faster than someone else you know.

  • What will an Animal Reiki session feel like for your animal?

    The Animal Reiki experience is unique for each animal but feelings of deep relaxation are common. Many animals smile, yawn, lick or kiss, roll over to offer their belly, stretch, or fall asleep when receiving Reiki. Basically, they simply relax and enjoy the wonderful feeling because they feel better.

  • How many Animal Reiki sessions should my animal have?

    Each animal’s needs are different. Results can be seen immediately or within a day or two depending on the situation. Sometimes it is necessary to do several consecutive sessions in a short period of time to receive the maximum benefit. During your initial consultation, Susan will recommend an Animal Reiki plan that will help you achieve your wellness goal.

  • Why is Animal Reiki helpful as a Distance Session?

    Animals are able to relax and receive Reiki much more successfully when they are comfortable and in their own environment. Some animals experience nausea, anxiety, and stress when riding in cars or being in unfamiliar territory. That added stress is the last thing you’d want to impose on an animal that is not feeling well, is elderly or injured, or is in the transition process to go over the rainbow bridge.

  • How does Animal Reiki help?

    Animal Reiki Therapy helps with: 

    •       Veterinary Visits
    •       Acute and Chronic Illness
    •       Behaviour
    •       Eldery Care
    •       Improve general wellbeing
    •       Improve own natural healing
    •       Release stress
    •       Reduce anxiety
    •       Emotional Issues
    •       Symptoms of Chemotherapy
    •       Nervous dispositions
    •       Palliative Care
    •       Pain Relief
    •       Post Operative Recovery
    •       Speed up Healing
    •       Improve Sleep.
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