Animal Crystal Reiki

 Chrystal REiki Healing for animals

Prevention is better than the cure

Little helpers from mother nature

Crystals support us so much

Crystal Reiki Therapy with specific stones is an holistic approach to help to relieve specific ailments such as anxiety, depression and chronic illness, or more physical ailments such as digestive problems, arthritis, liver and kidney problems or a weak immune system (what mostly occurs in chronic and autoimmune dis-ease. Why not offer your animal the best to heal and be happy?

Some crystals have specific abilities for healing. For instance, there are specific crystals that seem to resonate better to restore health to certain organs or disease conditions. Carnelian for instance works very well with various skin conditions. Amethyst works well for headache and arthritic conditions as well as thyroid disorders. Crystals even work well to work on emotional states such as Rose Quartz for love and happiness. Some crystals, such as Selenite, are also used as bridges to higher consciousness. I think animals appreciate the psycho-spiritual aspects as much as humans.

The healing benefits of Crystal Therapy

Crystals work on your animal`s energy fields to help heal:

◉ Stress or pain release
◉ Low mood

◉ Release toxins

◉ Reduce anxiety

◉ Post operative recovery
◉ Emotional turmoil
◉ Overactivity
◉ Underactivity
◉ Joint pain
◉ Chakra clearing*
◉ Promotes the body’s self-healing abilities

◉ Encourages relaxation
◉ Can support the balance of emotional energy
◉ Holds gentle loving space for emotional release

*Our Chakras are spinning disks of energy connected to our nerves, major organs and areas of the energetic fields that affect our emotional, mental and physical wellbeing. To be balanced they should be “open” and aligned to fully function and support the body. It’s believed there are 114 different chakras, but the most commonly known are are the seven main chakras which run along the spine.

fascinating little, magical healers

Crystals and gemstones have fascinated humans since the dawn of time and have been fundamental in our daily lives, without most of us even knowing it. Crystal Healing is by no means a new concept, especially for healing.

Each crystal or gemstone is made by the earth over a transformation of gases, minerals and molecules. They are more than atomic structures. They hold beneficial vibrations, which when properly cleared, charged and activated can have profound healing benefits for the human body rooted deep into the cellular level.

FUN FACT: Crystals and the knowledge of their beneficial healing properties has lasted from ancient times.

The Sumerians, believed to be the creators of the world’s earliest known civilization, used these mineral rocks in their magical formulas.

The ancient Egyptians used them as talismans for healing and protection, especially in the afterlife. In ancient Greeks also believed in crystal properties – the name crystal, is derived from the Greek word “krystallos” which means ice.

What they do

Vibrations surround all matter – sound, colour, light, minerals, plants, animals and humans. When the energies of crystals are added to our energetic fields, a new, combined, vibrational energy is created.

The blending of the two vibrations or electromagnetic energy fields, merge to form perfect harmony which helps raise our energies to higher levels.

By making crystal healing arrangements and using the power of intention, crystals help to realign the body’s energy fields, open the energy points(chakras) or channels (meridians)of the body and promote an overall feeling of wellbeing, realignment and revitalised energy.

 I use crystals either by their traditional healing properties or by colour therapy after a body scan consultation.

The earth vibrates at a specific frequency

Known as the Schumann Resonance.

Traditionally this resonance is thought to hover around 7.8 Hz though it varies from region to region. Since the 1980’s, however, this frequency has been thought to be rising. This is interesting because science is beginning to understand that we are impacted deeply by the earth’s resonance and as it increases, the dissonance between our own frequency and that of the earth is felt deeply on all levels - physical and mental illness can occur.


Raise Your Animal`s Vibes 

Crystal Reiki Healing convents and enhances conventional veterinary medicine and treatments.

It is a holistic treatment working on the mental, physical and spiritual level.

Also can Crystal Reiki help with hormonell imbalances, intestine/gut diseases, thyroid problems and much more. In a Crystal Healing session, it is about allowing the animal`s energy to resonate with the energy of the stones. To realign with the healing frequency of nature and the earth.

If your animal is in the right vibration, health can happen and illness can be avoided.

Think about it: prevention is better than the cure.

In A Crystal Reiki Session

There are many different oppurtunities to work with, such as crystals for chakra healing, crystals for balancing the meridians, crystal grids ( very helpful for Distance Crystal Reiki Treatments) and also crystal elixiers, tailored to your animal`s needs.

Of course for there are crystals for every Situation: chronic illness, behaviour problems, abandoned,rescued or fostered animals and so many many more.

 We will first do a consultation using colour and a body scan. This will give an insight into how I can best support you and be a guide to which crystals are needed. Using colour goes to a  deeper level with the extremely powerful, yet loving and gentle energy of the crystals to help your healing.

The therapy brings deep relaxation and allows the release of stuck energies. They aid releasing trapped energy that’s not helping the body to function well or be in balance.

Crystals are selected either by their colour, healing properties or by intuition, depending on the consultation. They are cleansed and prepared before and after every use.

use the healing power

 of crystals to enhance

the wellbeing and

happiness for your animals


Crystal Grid

 Crystals are placed at certain points (chakras, acupressure or acupuncture-points) around your animal. The crystals are chosen for the grid, depending on the needs of your animal. The treatment is gentle and relaxing. It is your animal’s choice as to how long he/she chooses to stay within the energy of the healing grid.

Crystal Massage

Crystal wands can be used to balance your animal’s bioenergetic field and the acupressure-points, to release tension and to bring back balance. A Crystal wand is used to draw out negative energies and to then bring in fresh positive energies. It is especially useful if your animal suffers from painful joints.

Distance Healing Crystal Grid

This is a perfect oppurtunity to support animals that can`t recieve a treatment in person.

After a short anamnesis we choose the crystals that benefit your animal and his/her health condition.

And we choose the kind of treatment that`s best for your animal.

Crystal elixiers

Did you know that your pets can benefit from crystal water? Adding crystals to your animal friends’ water bowls is the perfect way to give them extra nourishment and support.  Crystal elexiers can also be used for the external treatment. Dosage and frequency are tailored to your animal`s needs. You can use the elixier every day or whenever it`s needed.

Just For Today - Get A Reiki crystal For Your Animal

Best crystals for Reiki Healing 

Make sure that you do proper research when buying crystals to make sure that they are ethically and responsibly sourced, and also of high quality. Reiki is a practice based on the highest good for all, so investing in such crystals is to remain true to these principles. We recommend the following as the best choices for reiki crystal healing:


Clear quartz

 If you only start with one crystal, start with this one. As a master crystal, it can be used in place of all others and it can amplify the effects of the other crystals when used together. 



 Another good crystal to start with is amethyst, as it’s a useful all-rounder but especially good for opening up the crown and third-eye chakras. It increases intuition, calms the mind and is known for its calming properties.


Red jasper

 This crystal is associated with the root chakra and is a great way to help with grounding clients at the end of a session.


Rose quartz/Jade

 For gentle healing and opening up the heart chakra, these two can work to soften the heart and bring love (including self-love) for the client.


Smokey quartz

 Mostly used for transmuting energy from negative into positive, smokey quartz is a great crystal to wear while conducting your reiki sessions.


Selenite is a really effective crystal to clean the aura/energy field at the end of a session for client and practitioner and for charging the other crystals.

How do you get started?

01  Anamnesis

Book a Session & Anamnesis

  • Contact me to book a session and discuss the number Reiki sessions required based on your Veterinarian visit. I will have a short anamnesis to get best out for your animal.
  • If meet in person, I will tell you right after the sessions, what`s the matter. If you want to book an online session,  I will update you on how the session went afterward via email, text, or a call depending on your preference.

02 Your Animal`s Data

  • A photo of your animal.
  • Your animal's name and Birthday if you have.
  • Reason for seeking an Animal Reiki session 
  •  Any further information (i.e. your animal’s physical condition, any behavioral issues, or significant incidents that might have created some emotional trauma or even the veterinary treatment).

03  Your Session

 1st Session!

  • Agree the dates for your animal’s sessions.
  • You’re also welcome to share any videos of your animal’s current condition as well.
  •  Your preferred method of communication: email, text (Whatsapp), or call.



Hands-On Session

60 Minutes Hands-On Session with your animal
Where: At the stable, barn, pasture or at your home

One Session:  $80
Four Sessions:  $320
Travel Fees: 0,80/kmh

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Distance Session

45 Minute Distance Session
Where: Phone or Zoom Check-in

One Session:  $70
Four Sessions:  $280

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More about crystal Reiki Healing


Got Questions?

Take a look at these answers before you book your Animal Reiki Healing session.

  • Is Crystal Reiki safe for my animal?

    •  Crystals do no harm the body, they can bring about balance and healing to the energy centres of the body when used together with Reiki. Crystal healing is completely safe for anyone of any age, providing peace, calm and rebalancing of the Chakras

    Please note: it`s important to take care that the animal doesn`t  swallow the crystals or trys to chew on them 

  • How do I know if Crystal Reiki worked?

    Most people see a change in their animal, sometimes even after the first session. It all depends on what healing is needed; emotional, physical or even something we’re not aware of. For example, if it’s a session because the dog is feeling out of sorts and grumpy, you can notice the change the very next day. A more relaxed, happier dog. If it’s to help support the animal after an operation, then it might be more noticeable after 3 or 4 sessions. Each animal is an individual, so they all react to Reiki differently, just like you might recover from an illnesses faster than someone else you know.

  • Can crystals really absorb energy?

    •  This ability of crystals to absorb, transform and transmit energy is the main foundation for healing with crystals. The crystals vibrate at their own energy, much the same as the cells in our body, so the premise is when these two frequencies meet, the balance in the energy field is achieved.

  • Do you use Reiki only?

    Reiki is indeed my favorite therapy method. 

    But I also offer a variety of other holisitc methods so we can care good enough for your animal. The one hour reiki session includes a pre and post session talk. After the short anamnesis we will discuss the problem or the reason for the reiki session. 

    Depending on the problem, I use my knowledge of Animal Psychology, Systemic Therapy or Ayurveda. 

    Please be aware that if the problem is deeper, we may need follow-up sessions. Otherwise we might start something and then not finish it. This would be counterproductive for your animal. 

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