Sessions Introduction


Animal Reiki Therapy® , consultations:  

Restoring Emotional & Physical


By understanding the vital connection between emotional and physical wellbeing, an Animal Reiki Therapy
® consultation encompasses an integrative approach to resolve the many layers of stress. 

My Expertise

Vet Practice Manager

Clinic experiences at Veterinary Hospitals and Veterinary Practices as Vet. Practice Manager

Animal (Crystal) Reiki Therapist

Specialised Animal Reiki and Crystal Animal Reiki with 10+ years of clinic experience with animals.

Animal Naturopath +Massage Therapist

Qualified in Flower Essence Therapy,  Aromatherapy & Animal Massage


Animal Psychologist & Human Psychotherapy with 20+ years experience of resolving behaviour issues

Identify the Core Issues

By unlocking each of the symptoms your animals presents with, I get to the REAL trapped emotion, reason of physical issues and energetic imbalance causing the problem for your animal.

I use a biofeedback technique to tap into the animal's nervous system, enabling me to identify and resolve emotional and energetic imbalances compounding the issue.

Remember, your animal is not showing you the problem they have, they are showing you their solution to the problem.

"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration" 

Nikola Tesla

The Mirror Effect

Animal Reiki Therapy  is an energetic modality, and therefore I include you (the animal caregiver) in each consultation alongside your animal.

Did you know that you attract an animal into your life with a similar vibration to yourself?

Do you sometimes worry that your animal picks up on your stress?

As we explore the energetic patterns you mirror between you and your animal, I can facilitate healing at a deep level, restoring balance for you both.

Restoring Balance

Once the core imbalance has been identified, and the stress pattern within the body isolated, I then release the trapped emotions and restore energetic balance.

I do this by correcting neurological circuits, meridians, acupressure points, chakras, the bioeneregetic field, muscles and so much more.

Each animal requires a unique correction, and having so many tools and techniques available ensures balance is achieved in the most affects way possible, achieving the best result.

"A Reiki session before visiting the vet helps reduce stress and anxiety. They can receive Reiki if they are in the hospital."

Support for Vet Treatments

If your animal needs Vet Treatments I support you and your animal if you want to. 
Did you know that Reiki can support your animal before , during and after surgeries?
For hosptial stays or Vet Appointments?

Animal Reiki can support your animal as well as you with all kinds of Vet Treatments and chronic health issues.

After an anamnesis we explore what you or your animal needs and what can help you the most.

I use Distance Reiki or Hands-On Treatments.It depends on the situation.

But the best way to support your animal is Reiki as preventive care. Because: prevention is better than cure.

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Online Consultations

All Animal Reiki consultations are offered ONLINE.

This means that no matter where you are in the world, your animal can benefit from a consultation!

If you would love to know more about the online consultations and how they work, simply get in touch using the button below.

I look forward to get to know you and your animal.

My animal wants that

"A Reiki  session for you and your animal can rebalance your energies"

individual consultation for you & your animal

Individual session

In an Individual session for you or your animal,  I offer a resonance field healing session to support an individual healing issue for you or your animal.
The transformed energy field without blockages, cleansed, strengthened and built up with healing new information, brings blocked energy into flow for inner balance and outer well-being.

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Herd resonance field healing

You and/or your animal in the group or herd/flock.

The resonance field healing for the group balances the energy system of each individual participant.

It feels like a breath of fresh air, where new impulses and perceptions can unfold. You relax, your animal relaxes, because both of your behaviors are interdependent.

The herd Resoncance Field healing can be done at the stable, pasture, at your home or also online.

My animal is interested

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