Animal Homeopathy

Animal Homeopathy


animal homeopathy 

Homeopathy quickly became known in the 19th century and through
Hahnemann's students, first in Europe and soon worldwide.
Famous patients such as Beethoven, Goethe, Prince Schwarzenberg or Paganini contributed to its popularity, as did an active homeopathic lay movement.
From the beginning, however, homeopathy was also subjected to sharp attacks from "conventional medicine".
To this day, their criticism is aimed at the fact that the mechanisms of homeopathic potentized, medicines cannot be explained scientifically.
The obvious therapeutic successes of homeopathy and a growing skepticism towards conventional medicine have led to the result that more and more patients worldwide have entrusted themselves to this 200-year old healing science.

The roots of homeopathy

Dr. Hahnemann

Who had already made a name for himself as a German physician and pharmacist, developed in this essay the basic features of the so-called
similarity rule "Similia Similibus Curentur".

When Samuel Hahnemann developed homeopathy at the end of the 18th century, medicine had not yet reached its century. Medicine was still a long way from its current state of knowledge.


When the first major cholera epidemic broke out in Europe in 1831, the doctors of the time were powerless in the face of this catastrophe. The conventional therapies of bloodletting and laxatives endangered patients more than they helped them. The homeopathic cholera treatment, on the other hand, achieved remarkable successes; this gave the new medical science and helped it to overcome bureaucratic obstacles prohibitions.



What does homeopathy actually mean:

Healing similar things with similar things.

This is the central therapeutic approach of homeopathy.
In concrete terms, this means that a drug that can cause certain
reactions in the healthy person, cures the same symptoms in the sick person.

Homeopathy is a stimulation and regulation therapy.

With the help of the homeopathic remedy, a stimulus is set in the body to which the organism must respond.

This response has the effect that regulatory mechanisms are set in motion, accelerated
and optimized, if they were previously impaired in their efficiency by by a disease.

The homeopathic remedy is therefore dependent on a responsive biological system.

The homeopathic remedy itself does not produce a direct effect, it acts indirectly through the activation of the body's regulatory circuits

Pillars of homeopathy

The central theory of the homeopathic working hypothesis is the rule of similarity.
This means the correspondence of the disease picture with the drug picture. This statement is the very definition of homeopathy. Another term for this would be resonance.
Specifically in the case of homeopathy, a drug that can cause certain symptoms or diseases, can also cure and heal again these symptoms.
The basic idea of the rule of similarity and thus of homeopathy is that the body, in the case of an "illness", already initiates correct steps of action to restore the balance in the organism. The first effect of a medicine must therefore be, to support or even strengthen these steps or symptoms of the patient.

the EFfect

Within the framework of a homeopathic treatment, the animal is administered medicines that give its organism specific impulses to activate its self-healing powers, so that it can recover gently, naturally and, above all, permanently.
Homeopathy is never only focused on individual isolated symptoms of disease, but grasps the animal in its entirety.

If, for example, a horse suffers from a cough, this is not suppressed, as it is a natural protective mechanism with which the organism tries to remove foreign bodies, mucus or pathogens that have entered. In the course of a homeopathic treatment, the animal is administered medicines that give its organism specific impulses to activate its self-healing powers, so that it can recover gently, naturally and, above all, permanently

Homeopathy for animals: What diseases can be treated with it

Whether behavioral problems, acute injuries or chronic diseases, properly applied homeopathy can have a healing and regulating effect on the oranism of many things. Where the emphasis is on properly applied, because with the exception of the typical injury remedies, with which even a layman can help his animal with a torn out claw, a broken shard and the like, the selection of a homeopathic remedy requires a lot of experience and belongs in the hands of professionals, such as veterinarians or veterinary practitioners. This is because homeopathic remedies can also produce side effects and that is if they are not chosen correctly and/or administered in the wrong potency over a long period of time. We must never forget that each remedy can cause the very symptoms it is designed to cure

Can any animal be treated with Homeopathy?

Actually yes, but certain restrictions must be observed. Within the framework of a homeopathic home or emergency pharmacy, which is suitable for the layman and designed to relieve bruises from accidents, insect bites, cuts or lacerations, etc., any animal can be helped. The squirrel that has been hit by a car as well as our own animal, which we know inside out.

However, if it is a chronic condition or if more complex symptoms are present, such as a cold with cough and fever, a sudden onset of lameness or an eye infection, to name just a few examples, certain conditions must be met: On the one hand, an animal owner must be available who can answer the detailed questions about our four-legged or feathered patient, and on the other hand, the therapist himself must have a sound knowledge of the animal species to be treated.


Especially often homeopathy is used against chronic pain or psychological disorders such as anxiety and stress states.

 Homeopathy is also used to accompany cancer therapy or metabolic disorders in animals.

In general, the accompanying support of various therapies is a growing field for homeopathic treatments.

It can possibly reduce the use of classical painkillers or increase the quality of life of the animals. 

Please note: in case of life-threatening accidents or infections, a veterinarian must be consulted first. Your animal may need life-saving surgery or pain medication/antibiotics first. These medicines can be very important for your animal.
Homeopathy can help the healing process afterwards.


When you take your pet for homeopathic treatment, it is very helpful if you prepare a few things: Make a list of medications taken or bring the boxes with you. Also, think about when the symptoms appear and how, and whether you might have noticed something that would make for an improvement. However, these are points that are useful for any veterinary consultation!

During the consultation, the therapist will examine the animal, ask you very precise questions about the symptoms, but also about the nature of your animal, and in the end pick out the most appropriate remedy. In the form of drops or globules (sugar pellets) it is administered to the patient in a predetermined rhythm.


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